
You can read email and letters from other readers, too.

Ace, 17, ChinesesTaipei

My name is Farn Chu. After attending the APEC Jr conference 2010, it made me realize how much problems there are in the world,important issues that I've never realized before.

I'm so happy and honered to get the chance to participate and meet all the wonderful people there.

I've made alot of new friends during this conference, I've also gained knowledges I've never known before.

Hiroshima really is a beautiful place, i would like to visit it again someday, it's hard to imagine how a good a enviroment must be to have fresh drinking water whenever you turn on the tap. I've learnet alot From all the topics we've discuss about, Enviroment, Education, Intercultural Communication/ Understanding and trade, and I believe the most important lesson they are trying to teach us, is that all the problems are rooted to ourselves, the human race, and we have the power to stop at anytime we want, but the real question is "Do we want to?".

I've learnt alot from this website, and I recommend others to checkout this site too!

Ps. Peace for everyone (^v^)!!! (March 4, 2010)

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you very much for your e-mail!

I'm very happy to know that you read our newspaper.I want more and more people to read our newspaper like you and to send their opinion. I believe that it can make a contribution to peace. Let's make the peaceful world together!

Please visit Hiroshima again by all means. We guide you! (Chisa)

Okunini, 14, Ghana

I am a citizen of an English-speaking country in West Africa, called Ghana who has just come across your site. I am aged 14 and so much apreciate your objective and the views you have expressed on peace. Peace is like the air we breath so when there is peace in your country, I feel it here in Africa. When there is trouble in Africa,you should feel it too. That makes the world what it is. I want to join the group and write from my country on peace issues as you have been doing. We are so many thousands of miles from one another but we are joined by our determination to help in bringing peace to the world.(August 31)

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for your kind letter!! I was very happy and surprised to see that a child around the same age as me is reading Peace Seeds in a country as far away as Ghana. At the point, the children writing the articles are all Japanese children living in Japan, but I think that it would be a great idea to include children from all around the world. If we work togethor, we can tell readers first hand what problems are going on around the world, which would be the first step to world peace. I too hope that Peace Seeds will start moving in that direction. Until then, thank you and I hope you keep on reading Peace Seeds! :) (Seira)

Phillipa Maitland, Canada

I stumbled across your website while doing some research for a story. What amazing work you have done. With so many horrific tragedies that have happened through history, we tend to forget the lingering effects that continue over the decades that follow. Reminding governments about the consequences of the actions taken by their predesessors is action that has an infinite value. (April 24)

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you very much for your message. We were happy to receive your kind note from Canada. We hope you enjoy reading our articles and would be glad to hear from you again. (Seira and Mako)

Meg, 10, Ireland

I read the book, "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes," and I thought it was sad. But still I did not know she had a nephew who wrote songs about her.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for your message. We'll do our best to continue writing articles that will be interesting to you. (Reika and Yuka)

Miho, 18, New Zealand

I enjoyed reading the articles by the junior writers and I was impressed that so many people are engaged in peace-related activities. More than 60 years have passed since the first atomic bomb was dropped, and the younger generation must now consider how to pass on this tragedy to future generations.

I am now studying in New Zealand, where a small peace ceremony was held in August. A Japanese group sang songs and A-bomb survivors shared their experiences. I was very moved that people, far from Japan, try to convey their thoughts on the atomic bomb.

In this way, the bombing of Hiroshima commands the world窶冱 attention. I think activities like die-ins and floating lanterns are important, but at the same time, we must study more deeply about war and peace. (August 28th)

Akane, 23, France

It was really interesting to read the paper as it was full of information.

As we face 62 years since the day, one of the major themes of the anti-nuclear movement is to 窶徭ustain窶� the will of the survivors of the nuclear weapons. Considering this, it is very important that young people are covering the issue.

I am at the moment studying in France, I feel that ordinary people in this country is not really aware of the threats of the nuclear weapons. This is because nuclear weapon is seen as a tool of the 窶從ational security.窶� Another reason is the fact that not many people in France know how much people have suffered (and still are suffering today) from the weapon.

As can be seen from the theory of nuclear umbrella, abolition of the nuclear weapon is an issue that needs to be handled by the international community as whole. I will inform my friends about your Hiroshima koku.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you very much for sending a message from France. I am dreaming to start an exchange of communication between Japanese and French children through this web site. (Editor- in-Chief)

Pierre Shima ,70,Hatsukaichi city, Hiroshima

After taking a look at the issue 9, I must say that the quality of paper is getting better and better. From reading these articles, for example 窶廛iscussing our reactions and our ideas窶� I can understand what junior writers are thinking. Five of them must have discussed, or debated at the time, based on what each of them gathered. Protagonists of Peace Seeds are you, junior writers, my best wishes to you all for future successes.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

It was difficult for us to gather some information since it was bit far away. We are always happy to receive your compliments. Your messages always make us realize quite a lot of things, but we are all looking forward to your comments. Please keep sending your comments to us. (Niiyama)

dan (49) ,California

Congratulations on writing an English website! This should help you interact with more people around the world.

I wish you well in your work to learn more about the world.

Hopefully you will learn that many people in the world see issues differently, and by talking with other people you will begin to understand them, and they will begin to understand you.

Not everyone in the world will agree with you, and that is important to accept.

Be careful of those who will abuse your website, just to publicize their own ideas of what is important.

I have been to Japan several times, though never to Hiroshima, and hope to visit again soon; maybe I will be able to visit Hiroshima.

You will do well. Persevere!

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you very much for your email. Your email was the very first one we've got for our English website.

I am happy your words encourage our junior writers and give them helpful suggestions.

The back issues will be updated as soon as we can.

Please look forward to reading them. (Editor-in-Chief)

Kyororin, 39, Saitama

I am a daughter of the parents who both were bombed in Hiroshima. I moved to Saitama after marriage, my child entered an elementary school in Tokyo last year. It brought me a question: Don窶冲 nowadays students have time to study about war at school? In Tokyo, I guessed they would study the bombing in Tokyo more than the experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but they didn窶冲 seem to have such kind of lesson. I remember we had read some essays about the atomic bomb in the text for summer vacation, and we went to school around August 6 in order to learn the atomic bomb. Was it the unique thing only in Hiroshima? Recently atomic bombed experience is beginning to fade because of aging of survivors, this finding in Tokyo made me confused.

My father already passed away and my mother was over 65 years old with some physical anxiety. I am thinking to ask her tell her grandchild her story now.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

I lived in Kanagawa prefecture when I was in the lower grades of an elementary school. At that moment, I didn窶冲 have any memories I studied about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In my case, I could have opportunities to come back to Hiroshima during summer vacations and my grandmother took me to the Peace Memorial Museum. I think the environment makes a big difference, whether or not you live in the place having something which tells you about the atomic bomb. I want to try to fill the gap while the survivors alive. (Rikako)

I was learning about war every year when I was a student of an elementary school in Hiroshima. But I felt it was dealing with only surface of the history. Because I didn窶冲 hear about people窶冱 experience so I was surprised by reading my mother窶冱 book, describing the terror of war. Actual experiences can impress people窶冱 thought. I think bombed experience should be taken over. (Minako)

At my public elementary school in Hiroshima, we learned war and atomic bombs in class sometimes. We could have very satisfactory lessons including inviting survivors many times. (Masahiro)

Miho Cibot, 57 France

Today I would like to introduce the summary of the letter I got from Mrs. Matsumoto.

She lives in Hokaiddo now, but she was bombed in Hiroshima when she was 12 years old. By an advice of her son, who lives in the United States, she is planning to have an atomic bomb exhibition and a meeting for a testimony in U.S.

The content of the letter is follows.

窶廬 am reading every issue of 窶榔eace Seeds窶� impressed by the work of junior writers, but I have hesitated to send a message so far. Because it contains a lot I didn窶冲 know, so I ashamed myself who hadn窶冲 tried to know even though I am a survivor. I am surprised by that the more issues they publish, the more deepen the topics are discussed. I made photocopies of the website address of Peace Seeds which I got from Miho, I am handing these to my friends including survivors.窶�

It was a shy reader窶冱 voice. I am expecting following issues, too.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for passing me your friend survivor窶冱 letter. Her words of 窶徼he more issues, the more deepen the topics窶� will be an incentive for junior writers. We are working hard on translating our website into English. (Editor-in-Chief)

P-kons, 25 France

I am living in France looking forward to reading the latest issue. As Asuka in New York mentioned (Hiroshima in the world, issue4), it窶冱 same in France, Hiroshima is definitely most famous after Tokyo. My co-workers here also say 窶弋he Japanese cities I know are Tokyo and Hiroshima窶�.

I believe in the power to inspire peace. Whoever goes to Hiroshima as school trip, high school student become more interested in peace issues. I guess both Nagasaki and Okinawa have same power.

However, not only in those special areas including Hiroshima but also everywhere in Japan we can find remains of war, so I hope people are interested in their own town窶冱 history and I think it will make them feel the power to inspire peace.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Yes, we can find 窶徭ource of the power to inspire peace窶� anywhere in the world. The important thing is to notice that. I will try to come up with good idea to raise people窶冱 awareness. (Editor-in-Chief)

Pierre Shima, 69, Hiroshima

I am sending your newspaper to my friends living in other prefectures. I received an impression from one of those friends. It was about the result of the questionnaire on issue4, he said 窶徼his gave me a hope窶�. I agree with him. Let窶冱 cheer up each other, strengthen our Peace Seeds窶冱 power to inspire peace.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

I was moved by your word 窶徙ur窶� in the last sentence. Thank you. I appreciate your kindness to send our newspaper to your friends living outside of Hiroshima. It窶冱 my expectation we can increase people who think about peace one by one through Peace Seeds. (Editor-in-Chief)

Pierre Gokokuji, 30 Hiroshima

Although I am a grown up, I am always looking forward reading 窶弃eace Seeds窶�.

Especially 窶弉&A about Hiroshima窶� is dealing with good issues we should think about, and help us deepen our knowledge we should have.

In the issue 4, I was surprised by knowing the city government had erased the family registers of those families who were thought to have died in the bombing, leaving behind no record.

I don窶冲 think to calculate the accurate death toll can have big contributions to peace, but the record of people who were born and died in the bombing shouldn窶冲 be dealt with so carelessly.

I realized it again that the record of the tragic event happened in Hiroshima would be a guidepost to peace, so it should not be distorted or forgotten.

I am waiting for next issue with great expectation.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for your impression. One person窶冱 death is a big issue, but once the whole victims were expressed by a number, why they can leave it with a large margin of error? I started my research from this simple question.

I am not satisfied with the result I got, but I am happy to share my feeling with you. I think now is the last chance to resolve this problem. (Kyoko Morioka)

Yui (67) ,Hiroshima city

From Hiroshima to the world, suggestions, sending messages and wishes for peace from the view of the junior writers, it窶冱 a great plan.

It would be a power to realize society that youth have a will and keep it.

Your newspaper has given some new findings to me, and I would like to offer a suggestion.

These days, in the society and at schools, various affairs happen from the problems of people窶冱 relationship.

Violence of words has to do with those affairs, I think.

Bully both in the adult society and in the children society starts from 窶忤ords窶�.

Therefore, I want to suggest to set up 窶徼he declaration of not-having verbal violence窶�.

How can we do to realize it?

If you try to think of it, I am happy.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for your suggestion. Words are surely very important. Your idea of the declaration is a good idea. (Editor-in-Chief)

Miho Cibot (57), France

Peace Court is a pretty good idea.

However, I couldn窶冲 understand, if the court ordered compensation to be paid, why the participating countries would each receive a share?

I guess you have some reasons but I think it needed more explanation.

Then, the other point is the case of Iraq war.

The United States, who wanted to get Iraq窶冱 oil in deep, started Iraq war under the reason of 窶廬raq窶冱 possession of weapons of mass destruction窶�.

But, US also has weapons of mass destruction.

Moreover, all of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have nuclear weapons.

Being the permanent members never means being allowed to have nuclear weapons.

Therefore, if we had Peace Court, we could deal with such a fundamental issue.

Also I would like to point out that there is the dealing of weapons behind the cause of conflict and war. It is a difficult problem to solve.

The people who earn the money by selling weapons need war and conflict for their business.

On the other hand, there are people who are trying to change the munitions industry to the peace industry.

I am looking forward to reading next issue.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you Miho, who contributed to 窶廩iroshima in the world窶� in first issue. We窶冤l welcome your next impression and suggestion. (Chief-editor)

Thank you. As you mentioned, we believe if we had Peace Court, we could lead many problem to the solutions and make the world peace, although it would take time.

The reason why the participant countries each would receive a share is, we thought it would be an incentive for them to participate, because it needs time and a lot of work.

Thanks for your impression, please keep on reading our newspaper. (Shoko)

Snoopy (post-graduate student), Higashi Hiroshima

It窶冱 a good challenge!

Peace Court is very nice idea!

I am studying peace education at university. In this field, we have an idea of 窶徘eace maker窶�. It includes from well-known people such as Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Mother Teresa to people around you who offer you peace environment, such as your parents, friends and priest. It can be said that someone who offer you peace environment has the same meaning as someone makes you happy. So, in the context of the life in Hiroshima, atomic bomb survivors who tell their experience, peace activists, people who are engaged in supporting reconstruction in post-conflict countries and people who have peacefully solved difficult problems in life, all those people can be peace makers. Therefore, I think you junior writers, making this newspaper are also peace makers.

I窶冦 expecting your future issues, do your best!

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for encouragement. The junior writers will work hard with an awareness of being 窶徘eace maker窶�. (Editor-in-Chief)

Thank you for your e-mail and cheering. This is the first time for me to hear the word 窶徘eace maker窶�. I agree to your idea, peace = being happy. So, we should start with a small thing to make the world peace. At the same time, becoming a peace maker might be easier than we have expected. I hope our newspaper can encourage readers to be peace makers. (Chinatsu)

Onari, 5th grade at elementary school, Hiroshima

I think it was a good idea that you asked various people to make verses for 窶廾ur Wish窶�, and show those verses with their thought. And it was interesting to read the Q&A about Hiroshima; to offer a question for that we believe it窶冱 the common knowledge and I窶况e never doubted it ---the Atomic bomb was dropped at 8:15 am. It was very interesting for me. The article made me think of it more deeply.

I also think it窶冱 very good that some articles referred to other countries, not only Japan, I believe it is important when we think about peace.

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for your e-mail. I am happy you felt it窶冱 interesting to doubt a common knowledge. Second issue is coming soon. Please look forward to having it. (Editor- in- Chief)

Pier Shima, 69, Hatsukaichi-city in Hiroshima

Hello, junior writers.

I窶况e just read the first issue of 窶弃eace Seeds窶�.

It is a bright and fresh site.

I read the articles line by line, praying for peace.

The following sentences were quoted from the first issue. Those were very impressive for me, so I was marking them;窶徇y ideas have deepened-not only about Japanese culture, but about people窶冱 lives and relationships窶�(by Sadykova), 窶廬t is important to send victims the clear message that 窶�we won窶冲 abandon you窶� because this encourages them to maintain hope despite the difficulty of their situation.窶�(written by Naru) 窶徘eace involves the opportunity for everyone to freely express their own thoughts窶�(written by Ryu), 窶弃eace will spread from simple actions-a greeting, a smile, compassion for others.窶�(written by Aya), 窶廩is message is often delivered through art because 窶亙t is the best way for many people to hear my voice窶吮€�.(written by Yuki).

I窶冦 looking forward to having next issue!

竕ェFrom editorial department竕ォ

Thank you for sending the very first email we've got. It will be encouraging junior writer. Please look forward to reading next issue. (Chief-editor)

Thank you for your e-mail. I am happy to hear that you were reading marking our writing. I'll do my best to report and write articles. Please send us e-mail again. (Yuki)

Thank you for your impression. Please read next issue and send your opinion again.(Reika)