Let's Share Hiroshima!


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エッセー、クロスワードパズルへの応募ありがとうございました。パズルの答えは「CHILD」でした。エッセーについては、広島市中区のariesさん(18)が素晴らしい投稿をしてくれました。彼女は、友達と議論になった時「徹底的に話して妥協点を見いだしていました。ぶつかり合うのは楽しいものではなくストレスもたまりましたが、おかげで成長できました」と書いています。大人も彼女を見習えば、世界はもっと平和になるでしょうに! ariesさんはまもなく米国の大学に進むとのこと。頑張ってほしいですね。


The Teenage Years (10代)
To be honest, my teenage years were difficult. My parents got divorced when I was 15 and I lived alone with my mother after that. It was a hard time for my mother and she didn't have much energy to watch over me. As a result, I became a little wild. I wasn't a bad boy, and I still did well in school, but I didn't get a lot of adult support. At the same time, the fact that my family broke up was very painful. I had a happy childhood, but everything changed when I became a teenager. And it wasn't until I was older, in my 20s, that I could make peace with my past. Now that I'm a father, I have promised myself that I will do all I can to help my own children have a happy teenage years.



vine eggs : Thank you for your kind congratulations. I thank you, too, for being such a faithful reader of Hiroshima Koku and English Challenge. Yes, the system of entrance examinations in Japan looks stressful. I'm sorry that it was a frustrating experience for you. But it's good that you had supportive friends. As for your writing, one suggestion: Instead of "When I became 20s..." use "In my 20s..."

MURATA : I think there are many advantages to growing up in a big family. I envy the experience of having a lot of brothers and sisters. Even now, when you and your siblings live in different places, I'm sure you still feel a lot of love and support for one another. Good job on your essay. Instead of using the word "rent" (which means paying money to use something), use the word "borrow" (which means using something for free).

SOS男 : I was very interested to read about your youth. You certainly worked hard to overcome the hardships of your childhood. And, as usual, your writing was very good. The first sentence, though, might read more smoothly if it was rewritten like this: "I was the youngest in a family of seven and I lost my father at the age of three." Again, thank you for sharing your story.

Kazuko : Thank you for the essay. I enjoyed reading it. It sounds like you studied really hard to pass the university entrance exam. Good for you! As for your writing, it was good, though in the first sentence the simple past tense would be fine: "When I was a high school student, (or When I was in high school,) I didn't study so much for two years." I look forward to your next essay, Kazuko!

aries : You wrote an excellent essay. I was impressed by both your writing and your thoughts. You are certainly much more mature than I was at the age of 18! Just one small suggestion about the writing itself. It might be better to cut "to me" from the end of this sentence: "I also had friends with similar interests and opinions." It now reads more smoothly and the meaning is still clear from context. Best of luck in America! Please write again if time permits!

Mackey : Thank you for writing again! Yes, the teenage years can be difficult, especially for children who have family problems. Children like that need empathy and support. About your essay, your thoughts were clear, though the first part would read more naturally in a form like this: "As I told you before, I used to work in a junior high school. I met some students there whose parents had gotten divorced. At first sight..." Have a good day!

101号クロスワードパズルの正解はこちら >>

さて今回の課題は「記憶を受け継ぐ」で路面電車を運転していた女学生にちなんで「交通機関」にします。パズルの問題も交通機関に関するものです。太い線で囲んだ文字から単語を探してください。パズル、エッセーとも大募集します。では、Good luck!



The world has changed so much over the past few generations. And one big reason for this change is transportation. New forms of transportation, including the car and the airplane, have made the world a much smaller place. As a result, there is a lot more opportunity for interaction among the people of different countries. Of course, this can be helpful for building understanding and peace. At the same time, however, these new forms of transportation have also made it easier for nations to wage war. Like all technology, human beings use transportation in ways that help build peace, but also spread violence. The continuing challenge for humanity is to use our technology to increase the peace and decrease the violence.



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