Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge

皆さんの周囲では秋の気配が感じられるようになっていますか。前回の課題(原子力発電は必要だと思いますか。その理由を教えてください)には、いろんな思いが込められたエッセーが届きました。全体としては二つの柱がありました。一つは日本がいかに原子力発電に頼っていたかについて記述したものです。高校3年の悠之介さんは「It is an obvious fact that our lives depend on nuclear energy.(私たちの暮らしが原子力発電に頼っているのは明らかです)」と書いていました。

もう一つは、大学4年のMURATAさんのように、今の原子力依存を脱却すべきだ、という意見でした。高校2年のみたらしさんは、福島第1原発の事故が人々の暮らしや動物、自然に大きなダメージを与えた点に触れ「Specialists say nuclear energy is safe if it doesn't leak. However, they couldn't prevent it in Fukushima.(専門家は漏れなければ原子力発電は安全だと言いますが、フクシマの事故を防げなかったのです)」と記しています。

There is no perfect and trouble-free machinery in the world.(この世の中に完璧にトラブルのない機械はありません)」と安全神話に疑問を投げ掛けたのはSOS男さん。みたらしさんは「I believe new types of energies, which are safe, should be found. We cannot repeat the same mistake.(安全な新エネルギーを見つけないといけません。同じ過ちを繰り返してはなりません)」と結んでいます。


Do you think we need nuclear energy? Why or Why not?


In my opinion, nuclear energy is a clear example of the fact that human beings are very short-sighted creatures. We tend to think only about what we need right now and we don't think deeply about how our choices affect the future. Nuclear energy may provide us with electricity today, but the radiation from nuclear accidents and nuclear waste will continue to trouble us tomorrow...and tomorrow...and tomorrow. In fact, radiation is so dangerous and so long-lasting that it will trouble us for many, many generations. For example, in Finland, they are building huge tunnels underground to store their nuclear waste for the next 100,000 years! That's how long nuclear waste is dangerous! (Just to compare, the pyramids in Egypt are "only" about 5,000 years old!) If human beings don't search harder for new sources of energy, then I'm afraid we will continue to poison ourselves, and the earth, with radiation from nuclear accidents and nuclear waste.



Yunosuke : Thank you for your essay! I certainly agree with your point that "human beings tend to consider problems after accidents happen." Unfortunately, in this case, the accident at the nuclear power plant has resulted in enormous damage to many people's lives. I hope Japan will be able to prevent such accidents in the future, and eventually move away from using nuclear power. As for your writing, it was quite good. "However, it is an obvious fact that our lives have come to depend on nuclear energy" might be a more natural and sophisticated way of writing this sentence, though.

Takuya : I was happy to receive essays from Tokyo this time! Thanks for reading Hiroshima Koku! Like you, I think we can reduce, and then eliminate, the dangers of nuclear power by conserving electricity and moving toward new sources of energy. I hope this can happen before another nuclear accident occurs. In general, the ideas in your essay were clear, but I wasn't sure what you meant by the last sentence: "I think we should live not to depend on plentiful resources, and earn our living to save something."

Mitarashi : You wrote an excellent essay! I was impressed! I agree with all your points, too. The effects of the radiation on the people and animals and nature of that region is terrible. I hope new sources of energy can be found to replace nuclear power. About your writing, it's very strong, though some small changes might be helpful. For example, it would be better to say: "Radiation is harmful to living things." Thanks for your essay! Please write again!

MURATA : It was nice to hear from you again! I think it's true that changing our lifestyle will be difficult, but we have to do the best we can to save energy and find new sources of energy to replace nuclear power. As for your writing, your ideas are generally clear. Sometimes, though, there are more natural ways to express these ideas. For example: "I think that we need to immediately change our awareness of how we use electricity." I hope you're doing well these days!

SOS : Hello again! The topic this time was a bit difficult, but you wrote another fine essay. I'm in agreement with all the points you made. It's very true, as you said, that "There is no perfect and trouble-free machinery in this world." That's why we have to move away from the use of nuclear power plants. At the conclusion to your essay, the last sentence ends with the phrase "after all." I think, though, that a better way to express this would be to start the sentence with "Ultimately,..." instead of ending it with "...after all"--if that captures your intended meaning.

Mackey : Thank you for writing again. Your essay made me think of my own children. I'm afraid that they will live their adult lives (when they get older) in a world with many large problems. Of course, every generation faces difficulties, but these difficulties seem to be growing. By the way, be careful of using "double negatives" when you write in English. For example, your last sentence says: "...I feel that we can't never give up." But it's better to say: "...I feel that we can never give up."



Do you ever ride the streetcars in Hiroshima or in another city?
What are your feelings or memories about riding a streetcar?

I enjoy riding the streetcars in Hiroshima. In fact, I used to live along a streetcar line so I rode them almost every day. I wish I still lived along a streetcar line! Many years ago, I lived in San Francisco. San Francisco, as you probably know, is famous for a special kind of streetcar called a "cable car." When I first moved to San Francisco, after graduating from college in New York, I found a job at an art gallery on the bay. To get there from my apartment, I would take a cable car. I didn't like the job very much, but I loved commuting by cable car! I especially enjoyed going down the big, steep hill which went down to the water. It was exciting (but a little scary!) and the view of San Francisco bay was beautiful. If you ever have a chance to visit San Francisco, I recommend a ride on a cable car!

used to=かつて〜していた  as you know=ご存じの通り
bay=湾  commute=通勤する  steep=急な  recommend=薦める



住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )