Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge



広島市中区のvine eggsさんは、人々の心を育み、平和な社会をもたらす文化の発展のために、美術館や図書館の充実を訴えます。具体的には、古くなっている広島市立中央図書館を建て替えて、もっと魅力的になれば人々の文化への関心度も高まる、と指摘しています。松井市長と湯崎知事、皆さんの思いを受け止めてくれますよね!


What message would you like to give to Mr. Matsui, the mayor, or Mr. Yuzaki, the governor? Write a message for one (or both) of them.


The city of Hiroshima takes pride in being an "International City of Peace and Culture." I believe, though, that the city could fulfill this role more strongly in the future if English language education was an even higher priority. What if children in Hiroshima had greater opportunity to learn English from a young age? What if more children here learned to speak English well? Wouldn't this help Hiroshima become an even stronger "International city" with a stronger "International voice" in the world? The introduction of English classes in elementary school, starting in the 5th grade, is a step in the right direction, but it probably isn't enough to have a significant impact. So I encourage Mr. Matsui and Mr. Yuzaki to imagine: What more can be done to expand English language education in Hiroshima?



Ms. Mackey : I definitely agree in the importance of a strong education system. In fact, as you suggested, cities and countries are really only as strong as their education systems. Both of my parents were teachers and I was a teacher for many years, too. I’m now trying to make sure that my own children get a good education. About your writing, be careful not to confuse the “simple past tense” with the “past perfect tense.” For example, in this sentence “About 10 years, I *had* worked for a public school.” You don’t need “had” in this sentence because it’s just a “simple past tense” idea.

Ms. vine eggs : I enjoyed your essay very much. First of all, it reminded me that it’s about time I visit a new place! And I agree strongly with the idea of promoting cultural institutions and activities. I hope the new mayor will consider rebuilding Hiroshima’s main library! As for the words of the Dalai Lama, maybe this would be a more natural way of expressing his suggestion: “Once a year, pay a visit to a place you’ve never been before.” Keep up the good writing!

Mr. SOS : Thank you for your wise appeal to the mayor and governor. I hope they took the time to read this issue of Hiroshima Koku! As for your essay, your writing is again strong and sophisticated. At the same time, the last sentence might be more naturally expressed in this way: “I’d like to ask Mr. Matsui and Mr. Yuzaki to create a community in which the people of our prefecture can feel reassured that they are protected from disaster.” Take good care in this heat!

Mr. tak : Thank you for your long essay! It was very interesting for me to read! It sounds like your experience of listening to the radio changed your whole life. It was like a window to the world, wasn't it? In fact, it still is, because after that you bought your own short wave radio equipment! Your essay was also well written. Just one quick suggestion: Instead of "World War II throwing in the towel," I think it's better to say..."Japan seemed to have thrown in the towel..." Again, excellent essay!



How was your family affected by World War II?
What hardships did you or your family members suffer?

My parents were still children during World War II. However, my grandfather - my father's father - played an important role the United States. He was a social worker and he was in charge of the government agency which helped bring was refugees from Europe to the United States. Many of these refugees were Jewish. They fled Europe when Hitler came to power or were survivors of the Nazi concentration camps. Over the years, he helped thousands of immigrants begin new lives in the United States. In fact, my grandfather's parents were immigrants themselves, from Romania. My grandfather was their first child born in the United States. Unfortunately, he died when I was still young. He was a good man and I wish I could have talked to him more about his interesting life. Please talk to your grandparents and parents about their lives while you have the chance!

social worker=ソーシャルワーカー, in charge of=担当する,
government agency=政府系機関, war refugees=戦争難民,
Jewish=ユダヤ人, flee=逃げる,
Nazi concentration camps=ナチスの強制収容所, immigrants=移民



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