Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge


さて、前回の課題(どんな時に支援をしたことがありますか。誰を、どのように助けたのですか)に寄せられたエッセーを紹介しましょう。仙台出身の大学生で広島に住むMURATAさんは、東日本大震災後、支援活動に戻りたかったそうです。しかし、授業と就職活動で難しかった、とのこと。彼女は「One of the victims there told me that finding employment and helping to make a strong society would be an important kind of support, too.(被災者が、仕事を見つけてより強い社会をつくっていくことも、支援だよ、と言ってくれました)」と書いています。直接でなくても、誰かの力になっていることが大切なんですね。

広島市南区のBig Brotherさんは、お年寄りの畑仕事や作業を手伝った経験を書いてくれました。「Actually, I didn't really help them. I learned a lot from them, especially the way they think about living a "slow life."(実際は大した助けになっていませんでした。『スローライフ』な生き方など、私が学んだことの方が多かったのです)」。そうです、実は支援のつもりが、多くのものを得ていることが多いのです。誰かのために一生懸命になることで、自分らしさや元気を取り戻せるのではないでしょうか。


When did you offer support to someone else?
Who did you help? What did you do?


Before my children were born, I was a volunteer at Hiroshima University Hospital for several years. I went there once a month to teach English lessons to children who were hospitalized with leukemia and other diseases. Actually, I didn't really teach "lessons"- I just played games in English with the children. I know this was a small effort, but I wanted to give them an hour of fun when I went there. Being sick in the hospital is hard, especially for a child with a serious illness. So I was glad I could help them smile for a short time. Of course, I sometimes felt sad. It's sad to see children who are very sick. And sometimes children died. But I also learned a lot from that experience. I learned how fleeting life is and how important it is to appreciate every day of our lives.



Ms. vine eggs : I enjoyed your story about the kindness that you showed one boy and that another boy showed to you. I'm reminded of something the Dalai Lama said: "Kindness is my religion." In general, the thoughts in your essay were clear to me, but I wasn't sure what you meant when you said: "After that, it happened to be glad." The difficulty is the subject "it." I think the sentence would be more clear if you avoid using "it" as the subject.

Ms. MURATA : I think the advice you were given is right. Of course, you felt a strong desire to go directly to your hometown to help, but it's probably best for you, and the society, too, if you study hard and find a suitable job. Best of luck with your job hunt! As for your essay, here's one useful phrase to remember: "I changed my mind."

Ms. Big Brother : Thank you for taking the time to write another essay! I know you're very busy! I enjoyed hearing about your experience. As I get older, I have more and more appreciation for the advantages of a "slow life." Your writing, by the way, is very good. Just one suggestion: The expression "old people" isn't wrong, but it sounds a little "softer" to say "older people." The nuance is small, but "old people" can sound a bit "blunt" and that's why, depending on the context, I prefer "older people" or "senior citizens."



What places give you thoughts or feelings of peace? Why?

There are two kinds of places that give me a feeling of peace: places outside myself and a place inside myself. For example, the places outside myself might include my own home and locations in nature. These places outside myself are important for a feeling of peace, but I actually think the place inside myself is even more important.The place inside myself is a little hard to explain, but it's connected to doing the thing I sense I should be doing in my lifetime. And for me, that thing is writing. When I'm writing, even when it's hard work, I have a feeling of peace because I believe writing is a big part of my destiny. When I write, I feel calmer; when I don't write, I feel restless. In my opinion, everyone has a destiny of some kind, and when we do the things that are a part of that destiny, we naturally feel more peaceful inside.

connected to =関係している, destiny =定め, restless =落ち着かない,
sense =感じ取る, calm =穏やかな, in my opinion =私の考えでは



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