Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge



Mackeyさんは「One of my big dreams has come true.(大きな夢の一つがかないました)」と書いています。Mackeyさんは若いころに母親を亡くしました。そして、母親と見ていた米国のテレビ番組に出てくるような、明るい家庭を持つ夢を抱くようになったのです。そして「I have become a mother and have two small children.(私は今、2人の子どもの母親になっています)」とつづっています。

英語に関する夢を書いてくれた人も多かったです。「考えや意見を英語で自由に表現したい」「英語を使った仕事がしたい」「海外で英語を勉強したい」などです。あなたはどうですか。このコラムを読んでいるということは、英語に興味があるんですよね。あなたの英語についての夢は何ですか? 実現のために一歩を踏み出せていますか。まずは、このコーナーへの応募から始めてみてはどうでしょうか。


What were your dreams in the past?
What are your dreams now?


As a child, I loved animals and I dreamed of being a veterinarian. However, when I was in junior high school, I had a bad experience in biology class. The teacher told us to make an insect collection. We had to find as many insects as we could, poison them in a jar, and display them in a box by sticking pins through them. I hated killing the insects and failed the assignment. After that, I didn't like studying science. So I didn't become a veterinarian, but I still love animals. In fact, animals are still an important part of my dreams today. I'm now writing a novel, for older children, and there are a variety of animal characters in the story. There's a dog, a bear, a porcupine, a lot of llamas, and many others. My goal is to get this novel published in the United States after I finish it. Maybe one day you can read it! (In English, of course!)



Ms. Mackey : Thank you for your touching essay. I think your children are lucky to have you as their mother. I hope you enjoy many, many happy years together. As for your writing, you did a good job, but here’s one thing to keep in mind. When you use the expression “one of my...” or “one of the...”, it’s important to make the subject plural, such as “one of my dreams” or “one of the TV shows I like...”. Hello to your children!

Ms. MURATA : Thanks for your essay! I’m sorry you weren’t able to realize your dream of becoming a guide dog trainer, but it sounds like Hana was a fun and lively friend when you were growing up! About your essay, here’s a more natural way to express this sentence: “My family had a Labrador retriever named Hana.” Keep writing!

Ms. tambourine : I wish you all the best with your goals! It sounds to me like you have a lot of motivation and that will help you achieve your dreams. Good luck with your TOEFL class. The TOEFL test is challenging, I know, but you can do it. Study hard and read, read, read. Being a good reader is very important for the TOEFL test. One quick language point: Instead of “I feel a lot of fun,” it’s more natural to say “It’s a lot of fun!”

Ms. vine eggs : I hope you’re enjoying your job at the library! I love libraries and books. In fact, I go to the children’s library about once a week to borrow books to read to my kids. I wish you luck, too, with your dream of using English more in the future. (Perhaps we’ll meet at the library one of these days?) Your essay, by the way, was well-written. Here’s one hint: “I dreamed of (verb)-ing...” For example: “I dreamed of owning a cake shop when I was a child” or “I dreamed of being the owner of a cake shop...”

Mr. SOS男 : Best of luck with all your post-retirement dreams! It seems to me you’re making good progress with your goals for English. As usual, your essay was strong. This sentence, though, would sound more natural expressed this way: “When I was in high school, I dreamed of becoming a judge.” As I mentioned to another writer, use the set phrase “I dreamed of (verb)-ing...” Happy travels with your wife!



When did you offer support to someone else? Who did you help? What did you do?

Before my children were born, I was a volunteer at Hiroshima University Hospital for several years. I went there once a month to teach English lessons to children who were hospitalized with leukemia and other diseases. Actually, I didn't really teach "lessons"- I just played games in English with the children. I know this was a small effort, but I wanted to give them an hour of fun when I went there. Being sick in the hospital is hard, especially for a child with a serious illness. So I was glad I could help them smile for a short time. Of course, I sometimes felt sad. It's sad to see children who are very sick. And sometimes children died. But I also learned a lot from that experience. I learned how fleeting life is and how important it is to appreciate every day of our lives.

hospitalized=入院している,disease=病気,fleeting=はかない,leukemia=白血病,serious illness=重い病気,appreciate=感謝する



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住所( 市町村以下住所 )