Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge


さて、前回の課題(世界をより良くしようと何かしていますか)について、MURATAさんやvine eggsさんからシンプルですが、だれにでもできる方法を教えてもらいました。それは「笑顔」です。

MURATAさんは「I keep reminding myself to smile. Because a smiling face can make others feel at ease (周りの人の気持ちが和むよう、ほほ笑むように心掛けています)」と書いています。

vine eggsさんは「Though it's very simple, I think a cheerful greeting with a smile is connected to peace(シンプルですが、笑顔でのあいさつは平和につながると思います)」とつづってくれました。



Happy New Year, everyone!


How have you helped make the world a better place?


For me, the purpose of life is exactly that: to make the world a little bit better. It doesn't really matter how we do that-all ways are okay-but I think it's important that each person finds the way that feels most natural. In other words, not everyone can be a Nobel Peace Prize laureate or make a great scientific discovery. However, we can all make a difference in our own way, even a small difference. And the work we do-caring for children, growing a garden, playing music-should fit our personal nature. This is how we experience joy, I think: when the work we love also gives something good to the world. In my case, I have always had a passion for writing and books, and I'm particularly interested in getting children excited about reading and literature. In this way, I also have a chance to make the world a better place. It's too late now, but I probably should have been a children's librarian!



Ms. MURATA :  Thank you for being a faithful essay writer! I admire your cheerful smile and I have no doubt that the people around you feel warmed by it. Keep smiling! And I hope 2011 is a very good year for you!

Ms. vine eggs :   I'm grateful for all the good essays you wrote in 2010! Well done! I agree with your opinion that cheerful greetings and smiles are connected to the conditions of peace. That's something I would like to keep more firmly in my mind in 2011. Happy New Year to you and your family!



Thinking about peace, what is your biggest hope or wish for 2011? Write that hope or wish in one sentence, and then explain your thoughts and feelings behind it.

When I think about peace, I believe we have to start with ourselves. If we don't feel at peace in our own lives, it's hard to help nurture peace out in the world. In this regard, I often think about something my grandfather said. I didn't know him very well when he was alive-my grandparents lived far away from us-but after he died, I discovered a box of poetry that he had written when he was older. In one poem, he was wondering to himself: What was I really looking for during my lifetime? His answer: peace of mind. And I think peace of mind is my main aim, too. So my biggest hope or wish for 2011 is: I would like to maintain peace of mind in my own life. And the more I can do this-feeling at peace in my own life-the more I can help nurture peace in the world around me.

nurture=育む, in this regard=これについて,
discover=発見する, poetry / poem=詩,
peace of mind=心の平和, maintain=維持する


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