Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge

今回は、SOS男さんから寄せられたエッセーを紹介します。72歳のSOS男さんは、このコーナーの常連で、いつも丁寧に書いて送ってくれます。前回の課題(子どものころ苦難に直面したことがありますか。どうやって乗り越えましたか)では、3歳の時に父親をがんでなくし、貧しい生活を余儀なくされた経験を書いていました。中学校では教科書を買うお金がなく、友だちから借りて書き写して使っていました。「I was often looked down on and got picked on by many classmates who saw my handwritten text. (私の手書き教科書を見た級友から見下されたりいじめられたりしました)」。つらい日々だったそうです。しかし「In oreder to triumph over them, I worked hard, and surpassed them in studying. (彼らに負けたくなくて一生懸命頑張り、良い成績を取りました)」と記し、「Whatever we do, we should aim high. We should make every effort to attain it. (何があっても、上を目指して努力するべきです)」と結んでいます。




What was a hardship you experienced when you were a child? How did you cope with that hardship?


When I was 15, my parents got divorced. My father moved to another house in the same city and my younger sister went to live with him. My older brother soon graduated from high school and left for college. I remained at home with my mother. My mother was very upset and she often cried. I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't do much to help her. In fact, I felt guilty because I was alone at home with my sad mother. It was a difficult time in my life and the pain lasted for a long time. To me, it was the death of my family, the death of the only family I had. Because of this experience, I now view my own family, my own children, as utterly precious.



Mr. SOS男 :  Thank you for another strong essay. I found your story moving and inspiring. Your English ability, too, seems to be growing and growing through your good effort. I look forward to reading your essays each time, so please continue to write! Keep warm in this cold weather!

Ms. Mackey :  I'm sorry about the sadness you experienced in your ballet class. In fact, my daughter has had some sad moments recently in her interactions with other children. Nothing as serious as you experienced, but it reminds of how difficult childhood is sometimes. It's full of highs and lows, isn't it?

Ms. MURATA :  It sounds like you had a happy childhood in a happy family! That's great! I think that's a big reason you're always smiling! Thank you for continuing to send in essays to me. You should feel proud of your effort at expressing yourself in English! You're doing a good job!



How have you helped make the world a better place?

For me, the purpose of life is exactly that: to make the world a little bit better. It doesn't really matter how we do that-all ways are okay-but I think it's important that each person finds the way that feels most natural. In other words, not everyone can be a Nobel Peace Prize laureate or make a great scientific discovery. However, we can all make a difference in our own way, even a small difference. And the work we do-caring for children, growing a garden, playing music-should fit our personal nature. This is how we experience joy, I think: when the work we love also gives something good to the world. In my case, I have always had a passion for writing and books, and I'm particularly interested in getting children excited about reading and literature. In this way, I also have a chance to make the world a better place. It's too late now, but I probably should have been a children's librarian!

purpose=目的, Nobel Peace Prize laureate=ノーベル平和賞受賞者,
scientific discovery=科学的な発見, make a difference=プラスになる,
personal nature=個人的なこと, literature=文学


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