Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge


広島市中区のvine eggsさんは動物のぬいぐるみや人形について書いてくれました。呉市のMacさん、三原市のふらわりんさんも人形遊びに触れています。


1940年代に幼少期を過ごした広島県府中町のSOS男さんは、興味深いエッセーを送ってくれました。こま、たこ、竹馬など物不足だった当時は何でも手作りでした。SOS男さんは「We were so absorbed in our games that we were unaware of the passage of time. Though frugal, I think we had a pleasant childhood.(時がたつのを忘れてゲームに没頭していました。質素でしたが楽しかったです)」と記しています。



When you were a child, what toys did you play with? Who did you play with?


When I was a child, I was constantly playing with balls. Inside the house, I had a large foam ball and a basket that clipped onto the back of the door. I spent hours in my parents' bedroom, playing basketball by myself, making up teams and games in my head. I got very sweaty! We also had a pung-pong table and my father and played together. I usually beat him, but I think he let me win. Outside, too, I played with balls: soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs, footballs (American football). Although I played by myself sometimes, in our yard, I often got together with other boys in my neighborhood at their houses to play basketball and football. One boy had a small basketball court behind his house. Another boy had a large yard where we gathered to play football. I spent many happy hours playing with balls during my childhood!



Ms. Mac :  Congratulations! That's wonderful news about the new baby! I hope the delivery goes very smoothly! I remember when my wife was pregnant. It's not an easy time, of course, but I have very happy memories of the months she was pregnant with our two children. Take good care!

Ms. ふらわりん :  Paper dolls were popular in the United States, too, when I was a child. I didn't have any paper dolls, but I made up stories using my stuffed animals. In fact, I also had a small movie camera and I filmed some of the stories. One of my little movies featured the stuffed animals in a bank robbery scene!

Ms. MURATA :  I hope you're doing well these days! It sounds like you had some nice places to play in your childhood. I think having the chance to play in nature is really good for children. I'm glad my own children have opportunities to experience the beautiful nature of the Hiroshima area!

Mr. SOS男 :  Thank you for another interesting essay. I agree that children can have a lot of fun-and exercise their imaginations better, too-with more simple toys. I try to keep this idea in mind when I'm choosing toys for my own children. I'm happy to see that my children also enjoy making their own playthings using old boxes and tape and other materials.

Ms. vine eggs :  It's funny that you mentioned playing volleyball with a balloon. This is probably one of my children's favorite activities! And, like you, they get very noisy sometimes! By the way, I hope you're enjoying the sunny fall. We went to Miyajima to see the beautiful fall leaves there!



What was a hardship you experienced when you were a child?
How did you cope with that hardship?

When I was 15, my parents got divorced. My father moved to another house in the same city and my younger sister went to live with him. My older brother soon graduated from high school and left for college. I remained at home with my mother. My mother was very upset and she often cried. I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't do much to help her. In fact, I felt guilty because I was alone at home with my sad mother. It was a difficult time in my life and the pain lasted for a long time. To me, it was the death of my family, the death of the only family I had. Because of this experience, I now view my own family, my own children, as utterly precious.

get divorced=離婚する,  feel sorry for=かわいそうに思う,  utterly=非常に,  remain=とどまる,  feel guilty=悪いと感じる,  precious=大切な


住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )