Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge

寒くなってきましたね。暑いと不満を言っていたのが昨日のことのようなのに! さて、前回の課題は「ホームステイしたことがありますか。どこでどんな経験をしましたか」でした。多くの人が面白い経験談を送ってくれました。

gagaさんは今年の夏休みに高校の研修旅行でマレーシアへ行った経験を書いています(前回の「ひろしま国」で紹介された、広島なぎさ高のユニークな研修旅行について読んだ人もいるかもしれません)。マレーシアのジャングルで、16家族とともにロングハウスで過ごしたgagaさんは、地域で一体となって暮らす素晴らしい体験をしました。「In Japan, we have little chance to meet our neighbors(日本では近所の人に会う機会がほとんどありません)」と比較しています。

Mackeyさんは、地中海に浮かぶ小さな島国マルタでホームステイした話を教えてくれました。現地の人や他の留学生仲間との楽しい思い出を丁寧に紹介し「My homestay was a special experience(ホームステイは特別な体験でした)」と書いています。私もマルタに行ってみたくなりました。その前に、マルタがどこにあるか調べないといけませんが。

もう一つ、紹介したいのが柚さんのすてきな体験です。今夏カナダで1カ月間ホームステイした柚さんは、日本を離れるまでホストファミリーに関する情報がほとんどなく、不安でいっぱいでした。しかし、玄関で出迎えた家族は優しく親切でした。お父さんは、少しホームシックになっていた柚さんにうどんを作ってくれたのです。「I couldn't help crying(涙があふれてきました)」と記しています。


Have you ever had a homestay? Where did you stay? What was your homestay experience like?


From 1992 to 1994, I lived in the Czech Republic. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer ( the U.S. Peace Corps is like JICA in Japan) and I was sent there to teach English. During the first two months, my group underwent training in teaching English as well as classes in the Czech language. I also had a homestay with a Czech family... but, in fact, it was simply a young Czech man and his girlfriend. The couple impressed me, though, because they were trying so hard to learn English. They didn't have many possessions in their small apartment, but their bookcase was full of English books. The truth is, until 1989, when the country experienced a peaceful revolution, the Czech Republic was under the control of the former Soviet Union. Before the revolution, the Czech people were forced to study Russian. But after that, everyone was eager to learn English.



Ms. MURATA :   I was sorry to hear about your sister's shirts! Maybe one day you'll have a chance to have a homestay, too. You're English is improving, so I suggest going to an English-speaking country, like America or Australia. It would be a good opportunity to speak the language and learn about the culture. But just be careful about your shirts!

Ms. toto :   It sounds like you had a good homestay experience in the United States. It's nice, too, that you're continuing to keep in touch with the people you met there. I envy that you spent some time in Mexico. I'm from America, but I've never been there! (And I love Mexican food!) Anyway, thank you for writing! I hope you'll write again!

Ms. km :   You had a very international experience in Australia, didn't you? I'm sure it was a really good experience for you. Actually, I've never been to Australia myself. I hope someday I'll the chance to visit there and hug a koala bear! Thanks for your essay!

Ms. gaga :   It sounds like you had an amazing homestay experience! If you ever go back to Malaysia, please take me with you because I've never been there! Anyway, keep studying English hard. I'm sure you'll have many more opportunities to use English in the future. And, of course, please continue writing essays for "English Challenge"!

Ms. 柚 :   Thanks for your essay. It was a great story and I really enjoyed it. In fact, I was touched by the part where your host father made udon for you. He's a very sweet man. I'm glad that you had a good homestay experience in Canada. Maybe you'll stay in touch with your host family for many years. And the next time you visit them, your English will be even better!

Ms. Mackey :   Your essay was interesting to me because I don't know much about Malta. You have a lot of good memories of your time there, don't you? Malta sounds like a nice place and I'd like to see it in person one day, if I get the chance. Thank you for taking the time to write a good essay about your homestay experience!



When you were a child, what toys did you play with? Who did you play with?

When I was a child, I was constantly playing with balls. Inside the house, I had a large foam ball and a basket that clipped onto the back of the door. I spent hours in my parents' bedroom, playing basketball by myself, making up teams and games in my head. I got very sweaty! We also had a pung-pong table and my father and played together. I usually beat him, but I think he let me win. Outside, too, I played with balls: soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs, footballs (American football). Although I played by myself sometimes, in our yard, I often got together with other boys in my neighborhood at their houses to play basketball and football. One boy had a small basketball court behind his house. Another boy had a large yard where we gathered to play football. I spent many happy hours playing with balls during my childhood!

constantly=いつも,  clip onto=取り付ける,  sweaty=汗,  foam ball=スポンジボール,  make up (imagine)=想像する,  beat(win)=勝つ


住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )