Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge


I want to say to them: Thanks a lot! (彼らにありがとう!と言いたい)」。呉市の Mackey さんは家族や友だちへの感謝の気持ちも書き添えていました。素晴らしいです。私たちは普段、愛する人がどれほど大切か、ということに気付かず、感謝の心を忘れがちです。いなくなって初めて気付くことが多いのです。一緒にいる時に気付けるといいですよね。 Mackey さんは、児童虐待などの問題にも触れていました。



When do you most feel at peace in your daily life? How do you think you can increase the amount of time you feel at peace?


To be honest, I think it was easier for me to feel at peace before I had children! Back then, I had more time for myself and I generally need to be alone, reading or writing, to feel at peace. (I also used to meditate every morning and that was very helpful, too.) These days, my life has become busier and I think a busier life is often a less peaceful life. It's true, I love my children, and I feel a lot of joy with them, but I can't feel much peace when they're jumping on top of me! So I think it might be difficult to increase the amount of time I feel at peace these days, but as my children get older and become more independent, I imagine I'll have a little more time for myself again. Of course, at that point, I'll probably feel wistful for the years they were small!



Ms. vine eggs :  Yes, it's been a very hot summer! (And I feel especially hot when my children are jumping on my back!) I'm really looking forward to the cooler weather of fall! Thank you for another nice essay. It sounds like you're enjoying many peaceful moments in your daily life.

Ms. Mackey :  I understand your feelings very well. On one hand, my children give me a lot of energy. They're very playful and funny. But on the other hand, they also make each day quite tiring. I wish you a lot of joy with your son. And I'm sorry I called you "Mr. Ma" last time!

Ms. MURATA :  Thank you for writing another essay. It sounds like you have a close family. That's a fortunate thing, because our family relationships are so important to the happiness and peace of our lives. I hope you have a chance to see them again soon!

Mr. SOS男 :  As I mentioned in my column this time, I agree that our feelings of peace depend on both a material and a spiritual life. It seems the most peaceful people, in fact, are the most spiritual; material things are not so important to them. Living a more simple life, materially, can strengthen our sense of spirituality, I think.

さて今回の課題は、特集面に関連しています。 「ペットを飼ったことがありますか?ペットの生と死にまつわる経験を教えてください」。子どものころのペットについて私が書いたエッセーを読んで、あなたのペットについて教えてください。皆さんの応募をお待ちしてますワン!


Have you ever had a pet? What was your experience of the life and death of that pet?

When I was child, my family had a cat. His name was Clarence. He was a big, beautiful cat, and a gentle, good-natured animal. I grew up in a small city in the United States where people often let their cats run around outside during the day. Then at night the cats would return home. So Clarence was free to come and go. Clarence was a sweet cat, but he was a fierce hunter. Sometimes we heard him meowing strangely at the door. When we looked, we saw Clarence with a dead bird or rabbit or squirrel in his mouth. One day Clarence got hit by a car and we were scared he would die. But he was a strong animal and he recovered to live many more years. I was away at college when Clarence finally died of old age, but I remember crying when I heard the news. I loved that cat very much.

good-natured =優しい, come and go =出たり入ったり, fierce =気の荒い, meow =(猫が)ニャオと鳴く, recover =回復する, old age =老衰


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