Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge

今回は高校生から多くの応募がありました。課題は「佐々木禎子さんにまつわる経験談を教えてください」でした。広島市安佐北区の高校2年 tomai さんは3月にカナダでホームステイした経験を書いてくれました。ホストファミリーの女の子にヒロシマやサダコについて話したところ、彼女はサダコの話に感動してtomaiさんに感謝した、というのです。tomaiさんは世界中のもっと多くの人たちにヒロシマの悲劇を学んでほしい、とのこと。今夏、訪れる予定の韓国でもヒロシマやサダコについて話すそうです。



What experiences have you had in connection with the story of Sadako Sasaki?


Almost ten years ago I started a small program of English classes and called it "Sadako's School". I taught the classes as a volunteer and the students' fees became donations for children in need. Half of the money went to support children in Hiroshima and the other half went to children overseas. In Hiroshima, for example, the donations were given to a children's shelter and a program for children who are hospitalized. The donations for children overseas were sent to children's orphanages in countries like the Philippines and Kenya. In these classes, the students and I talked about the problems of children in Japan and in the world. We also exchanged letters, in English, with the children in the orphanages abroad. It was a good experience for everyone and I hope I'll have the chance to do it again one day. The inspiration for "Sadako's School," of course, was the story of Sadako Sasaki.



Ms.tomai:  I was very impressed with your long essay. You have a great attitude and I really respect your passion for sharing Hiroshima with the world. I wish you the best of luck with your English! Keep studying hard! And please write again! (Tell me about your trip to Korea!)

Ms.strawberry:  Thank you for your essay. I agree with you about how important it is for children to receive love from others, especially their families. I feel sad about the fact that so many children in the world grow up with so little love. I think it's good to do something, even something small, to help them.

Mr.SOS男:  I was glad to hear from you again. I think the story of Sadako Sasaki is very powerful and important. I think everyone who hears it finds it touching. I hope her story will continue to spread out into the world. You and your daughter should be commended for helping to keep her story alive.

Ms.vine eggs:  Thank you for submitting another essay (and a pretty rose). I know what you mean about the tiny paper cranes folded by Sadako Sasaki in Peace Memorial Museum. I was very impressed and moved when I saw them. Sadako had such a strong desire to live, didn't she? I think her story can help us to appreciate our own lives.

Ms.MURATA:  That's very sad about your leg! But I think it's wonderful how your friends folded all those paper cranes for you! They were really showing their love for you, weren't they? Thanks for another good essay! I look forward to your next one!



Have you read any books or seen any movies or TV programs recently
that made you think about peace?

The World Cup has begun.Teams from all over the world are playing soccer (football) in South Africa. Not long ago, I saw a movie about another sport in South Africa: rugby. I have no personal experience with rugby, but the movie was very interesting. In fact, it was based on the true story of the 1995 Rugby World Cup that took place in South Africa. As you know, South Africa has had a long and difficult history of race relations between white people and black people. The movie depicts the story of how the South African rugby team was able to win the World Cup that year and help bring the nation together. It's an inspiring story and made me realize that sports can have a powerful impact on people. Sports can help people overcome differences and come together in unity. The effect may be temporary, but the experience of unity shows us that peace is indeed possible.

based on =基にした, race relations =人間関係, depict =描写する, overcome =乗り越える, unity =結束, temporary =一時的


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