Let's Share Hiroshima!


アダム・ベック アダム・ベック


English Challenge


例えば、広島市安佐南区の Yumiko さんは「Nature is beautiful, too. It is surrounded by the mountains, the rivers, and the sea (自然も美しいです。山、川、海に囲まれています)」と書いてくれました。

同市中区のvine eggs さんは「The oleander was the first flower after the bomb (キョウチクトウが原爆の後、初めての花でした)」と紹介しています。広島に原爆が投下されて間もなく自然がよみがえってきたことが、がれきと化した街を復興させようとする大きな原動力になったのではないでしょうか。芽吹いて立ち上がった自然の姿に触れた広島市民は、街も復興できると感じたのではないかと思います。


How would you introduce Hiroshima to someone from overseas?


The city of Hiroshima has a long history. For many years it was an important military city in Japan. In fact, this is one reason the city became a target for the atomic bomb. The atomic bombing devastated Hiroshima. The city was turned into a horrific hell of rubble and fire. A great number of people were killed and injured in the blast. Many more died from the effects of the bomb's radiation. Even today, this radiation continues to cause suffering to the A-bomb survivors through diseases like cancer. At hte same time, the people of Hiroshima, with support from outside the city, were able to rebuild. It took many years, but Hiroshima is now a beautiful and lively city. It has become an international city of peace as well as an inspiration for the world of how a community can overcome terrible hardship and create a new and brighter future.



Mr.SOS男:  Your essay about Hiroshima was well written. Good work! Two small things: 1) Instead of saying "lots of green", say "lots of greenery"; the word "greenery" is more natural here, and 2) The A-bomb Dome is a World Heritage site; remember to include the word "site".

Ms.vine eggs:  Well done! I enjoyed reading your essay about Hiroshima. As I mentioned to another writer, please use the word "greenery" instead of "green" when you talk about nature. And in the sentence, "But the following spring, some weeds began to appear on the trees," instead of the word "weeds" (which refers to bad plants), I think the word you want is "buds".

Ms.Yumiko:  Thank you for sending in another essay! I like the same things about Hiroshima. I haven't been to a Carp game yet this season, but I'll probably go with my family this spring. By the way, the best English spelling is "Chugoku" (not "Tyugoku").



What are your impressions of
"Barefoot Gen"("Hadashi no Gen")?

"Barefoot Gen" is one of the most powerful depictions of war and nuclear weapons I have ever seen. One of my strongest impressions, in fact, is connected to today's main article in "Hiroshima Koku": food and hunger. During the war, after the war, the characters of "Barefoot Gen" were constantly hungry. Even one grain of rice was like gold to them. Personally, I have never experienced anything close to that kind of hunger. I grew up in the United States where food is plentiful and often wasted. A lot of people there eat too much and grow fat. Japan, too, has plenty of food. Not long ago I went to a buffet restaurant in town and I thought about "Barefoot Gen." And I thought about how defferent Hiroshima is today. We're very fortunate, of course, and it's important to keep that in mind. A lot of people in the world will go to bed tonight as hungry as Gen.

depiction =描写, grain =粒, buffet =バイキング, constantly =常に,
plentiful =豊富な, fortunate =幸運な


住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )