Let's Share Hiroshima!


アダム・ベック アダム・ベック


English Challenge


例えば、広島市西区の柚さんは世界中を旅して平和について語りたい、と述べています。平和に向けた努力をすることが「is the responsibility of being a citizen of Hiroshima (広島市民としての責任)」との思いです。

また、広島県府中町の元公務員SOS男さんは「I like to write English though I'm not very good at it. Through this column, I'd like to learn English and think about peace. (英語はあまり得意でないのですが、このコーナーで英語を学び、平和について考えたい)」と書いています。


Could you please introduce yourself?


My name is Adam Beck. I'm from America and my hometown is Quincy, Illinois. Quincy is a small city by the Mississippi River. After I graduated from high school, I went to college in New York and graduate school in San Francisco. I studied writing and theater. After teaching English in the Czech Republic for two years. I came to Hiroshima in 1996. Before I began working at the Chugoku Shimbun, I was an English teacher at Hiroshima International School. I'm married and I have two children, a girl and a boy. I love writing and reading and books. I have a large collection of books, including a lot of children's books. These days I'm also writing a book for children. I have been involved in peace activities for many years. I'm particularly interested in supporting children in need so they can live happier, more peaceful lives.



Ms. Tocchan:  I've never played the koto, but I like the sound! I was really impressed with your English. You're only 16 and your English ability already seems very good. Keep studying hard! I hope to read more of your essays!

Mr. SOS男:  Thank you for being such a faithful contributor to English Challenge! I always enjoy seeing your submissions. And it was nice, this time, to learn more about you through your introduction. I look forward to your next essay!

Mr. KEN:  Thank you for introducing yourself. You're studying very hard, aren't you? Good for you! I know learning another language is difficult, but you're definitely doing well. I'm impressed with the English level you've reached since you began studying English last year.

Ms. Vine eggs:  I like books and movies, too! Actually, movies in Japan are expensive, I think, so I can't go to the movies as often as I'd like. In America, movies are cheap. When I lived there, I went to the movies about once a week! Thanks for the nice cherry blossoms on your postcard!

Ms. apple pie:  I hope your dream to travel around the world comes true one day! Of course, English is very helpful when you travel so keep studying hard to improve! By the way, I like okonomiyaki, too. There's a good okonomiyaki shop near my house and I sometimes go there. Thanks for your essay!

Ms. no:  Thank you for your well-written introduction. Your English level is good and will continue to improve, I'm sure. I hope you have a chance to visit those 88 temples. That sounds like a very interesting pilgrimage. I look forward to receiving more essays from you!

Ms. 柚:  That's great you can play the shakuhachi! It's a beautiful instrument, I think. Actually, when I was younger, I played the oboe. I don't play it anymore, but I still have it. Good luck with your dream of traveling all over the world! And good luck with your English, too! (And the many other languages you'd like to learn!)

Ms. Wan-Wan
 Thank you for writing. I'm glad your classmate told you about English Challenge. I like dogs, too. When I was young, my family had a small dog. I don't have any pets these days, but someday I hope I can get a dog and a cat. Please write again, if you have time!

Ms. Yumiko:  Congratulations on your son's graduation from high school! My children are still small, but they're growing very quickly! It sounds like you have a good English class! Please tell your classmates about English Challenge!

Ms. キャサリン:  Thank you for your essay. I like cats, too. When I was a child, my family had a big, beautiful cat. These days I don't have any pets, but my family in America still keeps cats. Good luck with your English study! It sounds like you've made good progress since 1999!

Mr. none:  Congratulations on passing Eiken 2! That's great! Keep studying hard and you can pass Eiken 1 someday! And, of course, good English ability will be very helpful to you when you travel abroad in the future. I look forward to reading your next essay!

さて、次のテーマです(前回同様、エッセーは長くても短くても構いません)。今回は自己紹介でなく、広島の紹介です。「ひろしま国」の特集にあるように、広島では国際会議が多く開かれ、海外から多くの来客があります。広島についてあまり知らない外国人に広島をどのように紹介したいですか? まずは私のエッセーを読んで、書いてみてください。応募をお待ちしています!


How would you introduce Hiroshima
to someone from overseas?

The city of Hiroshima has a long history. For many years it was an important military city in Japan. In fact, this is one reason the city became a target for the atomic bomb. The atomic bombing devastated Hiroshima. The city was turned into a horrific hell of rubble and fire. A great number of people were killed and injured in the blast. Many more died from the effects of the bomb's radiation. Even today, this radiation continues to cause suffering to the A-bomb survivors through diseases like cancer. At hte same time, the people of Hiroshima, with support from outside the city, were able to rebuild. It took many years, but Hiroshima is now a beautiful and lively city. It has become an international city of peace as well as an inspiration for the world of how a community can overcome terrible hardship and create a new and brighter future.

military =軍, devastate =破壊する, horrific =恐ろしい, rubble =がれき, radiation =放射線, hardship =苦難


住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )