Q1. When was the Children's Peace Monument unveiled? (原爆の子の像が除幕されたのはいつでしたか?)
A:It was unveiled on May 5, 1958. (1958年5月5日です)
Q2. What was the inspiration for the monument? (碑は何に影響を受けましたか?)
A:The monument was inspired by the death of Sadako Sasaki. (佐々木禎子さんの死です)
Q3. Who is the monument dedicated to? (碑はだれに捧げられていますか?)
A:It is dedicated to all the children who died as a result of the atomic bombing. (原爆で亡くなったすべての子どもたちです)
Q4. What is on top of the monument? (碑の最上部には何がありますか?)
A:On top of the monument is a statue of a girl holding a paper crane (折り鶴を抱えた少女の像です)
BONUS: Have you folded many paper cranes? (たくさんの鶴を折ったことがありますか?)
To be honest, my five-year-old daughter is better at folding paper cranes than I am! (正直を言うと、私の5歳の娘の方が私より上手に折ります!)