平和記念公園についてどんな印象を持っているか聞いた前回のBONUS問題では、多くの人が hope (希望)について触れていました。広島市東区のAIさんは gives us hope for peace (平和への希望をくれる)、中区のだいちこさんは very sad (とても悲しい)だけれども、filled with hope (希望で満ちている)と書いていました。
安佐南区の出広さんの書いた答えはとても良いですね。This park has great historical significance (公園は歴史的に重要な意味を持つ)という文章とともに、核戦争がいかに恐ろしく、平和に生きられる今がどれだけ幸せかを気付かせてくれる one of the most important places in the world (世界で最も重要な場所に一つだ)と添えられていました。この答えを読んで、平和がとても重要で世界中に広めるべきものだと感じました。
今回も応募者の中から抽選でプレゼントを用意していますよ。初めての応募もお待ちしています。頑張ってね! |
A competition was held to choose the design for Peace Memorial Park. From the 145 designs that were submitted, the judges chose the plan made by a group from Tokyo University. The leader of this group was Kenzo Tange, an assistant professor who became a world-famous architect. The winning plan, though, was changed in several ways before construction of the park began. Finally, when construction started, many human bones were found in the ground. |
Q1. | How was the design chosen for Peace Memorial Park? |
Q2. | How many designs were submitted? |
Q3. | Which design won? |
Q4. | What was found when construction of the park began? |
BONUS: | Would you change anything about Peace Memorial Park? |
<Hints> competition =コンクール,submit =提出する,architect =建築家, construction =建設 |